Health Blog!

Welcome students to our class blog. We will be using this space for class discussions to examine, evaluate, and share knowledge. Discussions provide opportunities for students to think critically on the topics we will be learning about in Health class. Concepts, assignments, and readings will be used as the basis for our discussions to create a positive learning community in which students are willing to share their ideas and to accept constructive criticism from their peers.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

section 27.3 questions

1. Explain why homeostasis is important to your body's functioning
because your tissues can only survive within a narrow range of conditions.
2. Give three examples of ways your skin helps maintain homeostasis in your body.
it regulates body temperature, it is a protection, and it provides a barrier agaisnt dirt and microorganism entering your body.
3. Explain one way that your body maintains a constant temperature while outside on a cold day.
by shivering, when your muscles release heat.


  1. you can maybe add to your answer in number 1 that homeostasis makes us stay on our set points

  2. you can probably explain how the skin is a protection in question 2, what does it protect

  3. you can add a bit of more detailes to #1, but the others are good
