Health Blog!

Welcome students to our class blog. We will be using this space for class discussions to examine, evaluate, and share knowledge. Discussions provide opportunities for students to think critically on the topics we will be learning about in Health class. Concepts, assignments, and readings will be used as the basis for our discussions to create a positive learning community in which students are willing to share their ideas and to accept constructive criticism from their peers.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Concept Check 27.5 Gaby Donoso

Concept Check 27.5
1. explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
For each contracting muscle. there is an opposing muscle an example is when triceps contracts, biceps relaxes.

2. Indentify the structures that male up a skeletal muscle.
-blood vessels
-muscle fibers (cell that contains nuclei)

3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Described what each system contributes to the handshake.
-Brain: main control center of the body, sends messages.
-Nerves: message is sent along the nerves to the muscles.
- Muscles: muscles respond and coordinates relaxations and contractions.

4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
In each small contraction, myosin binds to thin filaments, when myosin and actin go apart the muscle contracts and when it comes back together it relaxes, ATP is needed for every contraction.


  1. Hi gaby! Great job! I loved the way you answered question 4. You use a much simpler vocabulary than by your other classmates. After reading, it is easy to understand that ATP is used in every contraction as myosin binds to thin filaments and then separate from the actin. Great job, keep it up!

  2. I really liked that you used simpler vocabulary like Martha says. the only thing is that you are missing some things that make up a muscle like actina nd myosin. Be a little more specific. Other than that i really liked it!!!!

  3. I likesd you answers except in number 2 were you missed some units of the muscles like the sacromeres, actin or myosin

  4. Hii Gaby! I really enjoyed your answer for question 4 because it helped me understand better how actin and mysosin work. I was a little confused in how was ATP involved in the process but your answer helped me undertand it better! I also appreciate you using simple language in your answer because it makes it easier to understand

  5. in question 2 you missed some of the parts of the muscle such as the actin and the myosin. but the rest of the answers are well done!
