Health Blog!

Welcome students to our class blog. We will be using this space for class discussions to examine, evaluate, and share knowledge. Discussions provide opportunities for students to think critically on the topics we will be learning about in Health class. Concepts, assignments, and readings will be used as the basis for our discussions to create a positive learning community in which students are willing to share their ideas and to accept constructive criticism from their peers.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

concept 27.5

a. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.

While one skeletal muscle is contracting, one is relaxing.An example is when the triceps contract, biceps relax.

b. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, sarcomere.

A skeletal muscle is made of parallel muscle fibers, blood cells, and also nerves. Myofibrils, smaller units, are found inside muscle fibers. It consists of sacromeres, which are the basic unit of action, that contract.These are made up of actin and myosin, two different filaments.The actin is a thin filament(rope like structure) and myosin is a thick filament(bumlike projections called myosin heads).

c. Identify at least 3 organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe WHAT each system contributes to the handshake.

1. The brain is the main control center and is what sends the messages.
2. Through the nerves the message is sent.
3. The muscles respond and coordinate contractions and relaxations.

d. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.

In each small contract myosin and actin bind. Then the muscle contracts when the filaments get farther or separated from one another, but when they get closer the muscle relaxes. ATP is what is used to bring actin and myosin closer or further from each other.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Concept Check 27.5

Concept Check 27.5
1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
Muscles cannot push, only pull; therefore they must work in pairs. For every skeletal muscle that contracts, there is another one that relaxes but can contract and pull the bone back in the opposite direction.
2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle.
Muscles consist of bundles of parallel muscle fibers along with a supply of nerves and blood vessels; and inside muscle fibers there are bindles of smaller structures called myofibrils; each one consisting of repeating units called sarcomeres. Each sarcomere is composed of two different filaments, the actin and myosin.
3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe what each system contributes to the handshake.
Eyes: Sense presence of another person and send info to brain.
Brain: Different brain regions send messages along nerves to the muscles.
Muscles: Muscles of your back, shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and wrist, stretch arm and perform shake.

4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
Myosin heads attach to filament and contract it, ATP releases heads and they are free to attach to a new spot.

Concept check 27.5

1) Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.Muscles work in opposite pairs, this means that as one of the muscles contracts, the other muscle relaxes. A perfect example of this is the bicep and the triceps. When the bicep contracts, the triceps relaxes, and it also happens the other way around.

2) Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, sarcomere.A skeletal muscle is composed of some parallel muscle fibers. Inside these muscle fibers, we can find smaller cells called myofibrils. One of these myofibrils is composed of sacromes. Each sacrome has 2 kinds of filaments, a thin one called the actin, and a thicker one called the myosin.

3) Identify at least 3 organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe WHAT each system contributes to the handshake.Skeletal: holds body upright, and also allows firmness in the arm
Nervous: controls things such as the place where your hand goes and also the grip with which you do the hand shake.
Muscular: allows movements to happen

4) Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.Basically what happens is that myosin and actin fuse together, and using the ATP, they relax and contract.

Concept Check 27.5

1.Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
The muscle strech and contract when they move if the tricep streches then the bicep contracts.
2.Idenify the structures that make un the skeletal muscle.
Actin, Myosin, Sacromere, Myofibrils, Muscle fibers
3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe what each system contributes to the handshake.
You use the brain to give directions to the hand to move. then the eye move to calculate how much distance the hand has to pass to do the handshake and the muscular system to move the hand.
4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
ATP is used to give energy to the cell so it can contract and strech.

Concept Check 27.5

1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
When a skeletal muscle is contracting, there is opposing muscle that relaxes. Since muscles can only pull there has to be an opposing movement to return the bone to the original position.
2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, sarcomere.
The skeletal muscle is made up of parallel muscle fibers, nerves and blood cells. Inside the muscle fibers smaller units called myofibrils can be found. A myofibril consists of sarcomeres which is the basic unit of action, unit that contracts. The sarcomeres are made up of two types of filament called the actin and the myosin. The actin is the thin filament with a rope-like structure while the myosin is the thick filament with bumlike projections called myosin heads.
3. Identify at least 3 organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe WHAT each system contributes to the handshake.
1. Muscles: movement and position of the hand
2. Skeletal: lift or extends the bones in hand into sequences
3. Nerves: send messages to body from the brain. It starts the hand shake. I
4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
Myosin binds to actin (thin filaments) in every small contraction. When these filaments get farther apart or separate the muscle contracts. When the filaments get closer the muscle relaxes. ATP is used to bring actin and myosin closer or father apart from each other.

Concept Check 27.5 Gaby Donoso

Concept Check 27.5
1. explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
For each contracting muscle. there is an opposing muscle an example is when triceps contracts, biceps relaxes.

2. Indentify the structures that male up a skeletal muscle.
-blood vessels
-muscle fibers (cell that contains nuclei)

3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Described what each system contributes to the handshake.
-Brain: main control center of the body, sends messages.
-Nerves: message is sent along the nerves to the muscles.
- Muscles: muscles respond and coordinates relaxations and contractions.

4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
In each small contraction, myosin binds to thin filaments, when myosin and actin go apart the muscle contracts and when it comes back together it relaxes, ATP is needed for every contraction.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Concept Check 27.5

1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs. Muscles need to work in pairs in order to move and go back to their starting position, because of the fact that they can only pull and not pull. When one muscle contracts it pulls the bone that is attached to it and its pair muscle relaxes.

2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, and sarcomere. Skeletal muscles are made up of nerves, blood vessels, and bundles of parallel muscle fibers. Within muscle fibers there are many myofibrils. These are composed of sarcomere. There are two kinds of sarcomere filaments, the thin and the thick. The thin consists of the protein actin, and the thick consists of the protein myosin.

3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe what each system contributes to the handshake.
•Nervous system: It is used to recognize a person and transmit that information to the brain, so that it starts the order to produce a handshake.
•Circulatory system: It will provide oxygen and nutrients to the muscles in the hand through the blood cells within the blood vessels.
•Muscle system: It is used to coordinate contractions and relaxations in the different muscles that will move the bones in the shoulder, arm and hand into place for the handshake.

4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts. Myosin first binds to thin filaments called actin in every contraction, then the myosin heads bend towards the center of the sarcomere. Next ATP releases the myosin heads from the thin filaments, and they are now free to join the actin at a new place and pull it along.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Concept Check 27.5
1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
Muscles can only pull, therefore the need an opposing muscle to return the bone in its original position, one relaxes and the other contracts pulling the bone. For a drummer beats when he pulls his arm away the triceps contracts and the biceps relaxes.
2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle.
A skeletal muscle consists of muscle fibers with nerves and blood vessels. Inside each muscle fiber are the myofibrils. Each myofibril consists of repeating units called sarcomeres. A sarcomere is made out of two filaments the thin filament called actin and the thick one called myosin it has bumplike projections called myosin heads.

3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe what each system contributes to the handshake.
Brain- directs eye sense for the presence of the other person and directs each movement involve in a handshake.
Nervous system- sends messages to muscles.
Circulatory system- provides nutrients and oxygen to hand muscles.
4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
In each contraction myosin heads bind to actin. Next, myosin heads bend pulling actin to the sarcomere. ATP then binds to each myosin head releasing it from the actin. Now the myosin head can attach to another spot and pull the actin along. This process can repeat until the sarcomere is completely contracted.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Concept Check 27.5
1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
as one muscle contracts its opposite muscle relaxes, and to move that bone back to the prior position then the oposite muscle contract and the other muscle relaxes
2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle.
muscle fiber, myofibrils, sacromere, thin filaments (actin), thick filaments (myosin)
3. Identify at least three organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe what each system contributes to the handshake.
skeletal system: support and rigidness
muscular: make the movement happen
nervous: controls the operation by controlling when and to where you move your hand
4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
Atp is used to make them come closer or far away, as they move far away the muscle contracts and as the move close together the muscle relaxes
Concept check 27.5
1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.

For each muscle that contracts, there is an opposing muscle that relaxes. However, the opposing muscle can also contract and pull the bone back in the opposite direction. For example when a bass drummer beats the drum, his biceps contracts and his triceps relaxes. When he pulls his arms away from the drum, the opposite occurs.

2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, sarcomere.

Skeletal muscle consists of parallel muscle fibers along with nerves and blood vessels. Inside a muscle fiber are bundles of smaller units called myofibrils.A single myofibril consists of repeating units called sarcomeres. Each sarcomere is composed of two kinds of filaments, thin and thick. The thin filaments are composed of the protein actin and have a twisted, rope-like structure. The thick filaments are composed of the protein myosin and have bump-like projections called myosin heads.

3. Identify at least 3 organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe WHAT each system contributes to the handshake.
First the eyes sense the presence of the person. There it sends messages to your brain, with acts as a control center. The brain sends messages to the muscles to initiate the handshake. They respond by coordinating contractions and relaxations of different muscles. Blood cells travel throughout all the process providing a constant supply of nutrients and oxygen to hand muscles. 

4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
 ATP plays an important role in this process. In each contraction myosin heads bind to thin filaments. Next, they bend, pulling the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere. ATP then binds to each myosin head, releasing it from the thin filament. The myosin head is now free to attach at a new spot and further pull the thin filament along. Filaments themselves don't get shorter, but their overlap increases as they slide across one another. The sarcomere shortens. The process can continue until the sarcomere is fully contracted. As the sarcomeres of many muscle fibers shorten together, the entire muscle contracts.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Concept check 27.5

Please read section 27.5 of the online Biology book on muscles. Take notes of the reading in your Health notebook. Post your answers to concept check 27.5 on the blog and provide constructive feedback to three other learners. Constructive feedback not only means you may agree with someone else's answers or ideas but as well how those ideas may open the doors to new learning opportunities.  Due date: Jan. 12, 2011

Concept check 27.5
1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, sarcomere.
3. Identify at least 3 organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe WHAT each system contributes to the handshake.
4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.