Health Blog!

Welcome students to our class blog. We will be using this space for class discussions to examine, evaluate, and share knowledge. Discussions provide opportunities for students to think critically on the topics we will be learning about in Health class. Concepts, assignments, and readings will be used as the basis for our discussions to create a positive learning community in which students are willing to share their ideas and to accept constructive criticism from their peers.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Concept Check 27.5

1. Explain how muscles work in pairs in moving limbs.
When a skeletal muscle is contracting, there is opposing muscle that relaxes. Since muscles can only pull there has to be an opposing movement to return the bone to the original position.
2. Identify the structures that make up a skeletal muscle. Include these terms: muscle fiber, fascicle, myofibrils, actin, myosin, sarcomere.
The skeletal muscle is made up of parallel muscle fibers, nerves and blood cells. Inside the muscle fibers smaller units called myofibrils can be found. A myofibril consists of sarcomeres which is the basic unit of action, unit that contracts. The sarcomeres are made up of two types of filament called the actin and the myosin. The actin is the thin filament with a rope-like structure while the myosin is the thick filament with bumlike projections called myosin heads.
3. Identify at least 3 organ systems involved in a handshake. Describe WHAT each system contributes to the handshake.
1. Muscles: movement and position of the hand
2. Skeletal: lift or extends the bones in hand into sequences
3. Nerves: send messages to body from the brain. It starts the hand shake. I
4. Explain how actin and myosin interact as a muscle cell contracts.
Myosin binds to actin (thin filaments) in every small contraction. When these filaments get farther apart or separate the muscle contracts. When the filaments get closer the muscle relaxes. ATP is used to bring actin and myosin closer or father apart from each other.


  1. Dani! I like your explanations, especially number two which uses all the vocabulary necessary to understand the structures that makes up th skeletal muscle!

  2. very good answers! they are simple and really well explained. i really liked your answer to question 4 because it explains everything that actin, myosin and the ATP do.

  3. Dani i thought your explanation on question number 4 was great. i thought it was really complete and it helped me understan better the purpose of ATP.thanks a lot.great job :)
